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Showing posts with the label dungeons and dragons

New Setting: The Eastern Stockades

The Eastern Stockades Map This article will detail the thought process that went into creating my latest fantasy RPG setting. Think of it as a behind the scenes kind of thing. I am using this setting for a sandbox campaign I am running with my current group. I'm also putting it up on patreon , where you can read the overview for free.  The Start So, I'm really, truly, unbelievably tired of fantasy settings that fall along the lines of "Medieval Europe with Dragons." I feel like that has been done plenty and we can do far better with our inspiration sources. There's just nothing left to say about it. However, I also understand that so much of fantasy presumes this as a default that its hard to get too far away from that type of setting in D&D.     So what instead? I've always loved the idea of a "crossroads of the world" campaign that borrowed little bits and pieces from vast stretches of history and geography. I've played in campaigns with th

Rules for Being A Dungeon Master, part two of infinity

The last post focused on the rules for designing a campaign world or setting. This post is going to look at designing a campaign itself. A roleplaying campaign can be a tricky this to build from scratch, but these rules can help you not be terrible. Will you still get stuck? Yes. Will you paint yourself into a corner? Probably. Will you get frustrated and kick the players out of your house? It happens. However, your campaign will suck slightly less if you follow the rules. 1.  Know what you want. Are you designing a single epic quest? A series of unrelated dungeons? A game of political intrigue? Whatever you are doing, be clear about it before you start. You want to make a campaign where the adventurers find and explore various lost temples just for the lulz? That's way different than planning out an evolving story line with a main villain to beat at the end or a Game of Thrones style political drama. 2. Talk to the players. Better yet, listen to your players. If they are r