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Showing posts from September, 2020

New Setting: The Eastern Stockades

The Eastern Stockades Map This article will detail the thought process that went into creating my latest fantasy RPG setting. Think of it as a behind the scenes kind of thing. I am using this setting for a sandbox campaign I am running with my current group. I'm also putting it up on patreon , where you can read the overview for free.  The Start So, I'm really, truly, unbelievably tired of fantasy settings that fall along the lines of "Medieval Europe with Dragons." I feel like that has been done plenty and we can do far better with our inspiration sources. There's just nothing left to say about it. However, I also understand that so much of fantasy presumes this as a default that its hard to get too far away from that type of setting in D&D.     So what instead? I've always loved the idea of a "crossroads of the world" campaign that borrowed little bits and pieces from vast stretches of history and geography. I've played in campaigns with th...